Coney Islandkevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:15:08+00:00 Project Description Coney IslandAn extremely popular place during the warmer months, Coney Island is home to amusement parks, a beach and boardwalk. There’s also food. View More Photographykevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:19:37+00:00 High Line High Linekevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:18:01+00:00 George Washington Bridge George Washington Bridgekevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:25:25+00:00 Van Cortlandt Park Van Cortlandt Parkkevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:14:48+00:00 Christmas in NYC Christmas in NYCkevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:34:55+00:00 Second Avenue Subway Second Avenue Subway