The Process Behind Trailer Sailor

Consumers have many opportunities to use the internet to view information and reviews about any movie. Websites that offer movie information commonly have a side function that allows consumers to view trailers for movies.

Trailer Sailor is a website whose main function is to allow consumers to view trailers for movies past, present, and future. When consumers view trailers, a description of the relevant movie will be displayed beneath the video. Whether it is for nostalgia or for decision-making, the goal of Trailer Sailor is to allow consumers to have an insight into the experience watching the relevant movie.

People will initially be able to view trailers and watch them. They will also be able to find descriptions and release information. Once all the features of the website become available, a plethora of options will become available. Users may create an account to get personalized recommendations, pin what they have seen and make lists of trailers they are interested in. A searchable database will be created for movie listings and people will be able to refine the results that appear.

Business Goals

Trailer Sailor:

  • Will not take any compensation to promote certain trailers or content over others.
  • Aims to help consumers achieve information about a movie and view its trailer before deciding to watch the full movie.
  • Aims to help consumers find the right movie for the occasion through category sorting.
  • Encourages consumers to relieve memories from movies by allowing them to view as many trailers as desired.

User Goals

Users will:

  • Find information about upcoming movies.
  • Watch trailers for any movie in the database.
  • Sort movies by category and find something for their needs

User Personas

  Trailer Sailor User Persona: Aaron


Trailer Sailor User Persona: Kimberly



  • Gender: Male
  • Ethnicity: African-American
  • Age: 26
  • Occupation: Nurse
  • Annual Salary: $67,490
  • Location: Queens, New York
  • Housing: Apartment
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Gender: Female
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian
  • Age: 30
  • Occupation: Secretary
  • Annual Salary: $36,500
  • Location: Hoboken, New Jersey
  • Housing: Apartment
  • Marital Status: Married

Psychographics and Behaviors

  • Proficient with technology, including upgrading parts on his computer.
  • Loves to stay in touch with his friends in-person and through social media.
  • Spends a lot of time at his job but loves spending his remaining time with friends. He loves to watch movies with his friends.
  • Sleep is a favorite activity, but not near his friends.
  • Loves paying attention to how video production is done on films and shows.
  • Makes sure he does his research before partaking in a new activity.
  • Is proficient with technology, including Mac OS and Windows.
  • Appreciates having nights out with her friends and date nights with her husband.
  • Has an interest in action movies.
  • Enjoys finding new things to do to occupy herself.
  • Dislikes her job as a secretary and might be pursuing a career change in the near future.
  • Also has an interest in nostalgic stuff.

Needs and Goals

  • Obtaining information about new movies and information about them.
  • Compiling a list of movies that he may be interested in watching.
  • Date night is an opportunity to watch a movie with her husband. She wants to know what good movies there are currently and she is interested in doing that by watching trailers.
  • Sorting trailers by genre because she has certain preferences.
  • Looking at old movie trailers to find good, nostalgic movies.

User Stories

  • As someone who loves to watch movies with his friends and dislikes sleeping near them, I want to find movies that will keep us on the edge of our seats.
  • As someone who likes to be informed before doing something, I want to read descriptions of movies before I watch them.
  • As someone who has an interest in certain movie genres, I want to filter trailers to view trailers for action movies.
  • As someone who is interested in nostalgia, I want to be able to sort trailers for nostalgic movies.
  • As someone who wants to make the best of date night, I want to find the best movies I possibly can by viewing their trailers and reading the description.

Sitemap (Pre-Usability Test)

Pre-Usability Test Sitemap

Pre-Usability Test Wireframes

Usability Test

There were two female college students as test participants. They were regular internet users and had substantial knowledge with technology; however, they were not proficient in User Experience or Graphic Design. Trailer Sailor is intended to be user friendly with everyone, regardless of technical proficiency.

Task 1: Action Movies

Task: Please find any action movie that begins with the letter “L”.
Starting Point: Trailer Sailor Home Screen
Goals and Tasks:

  • Trailer Sailor aims to help consumers obtain information about a movie and view its trailer before deciding to watch the full movie.
  • Trailer Sailor aims to help consumers find the right movie for the occasion by sorting movies by category.
  • Users will be able to watch trailers for any movie in the database.
  • Users will be able to sort movies by category and find something that suits their needs.
  User 1 User 2
How sure are you that you completed the task? Very Sure Somewhat
How satisfied are you with the website experience? Somewhat Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied
Was the experience different from what you experienced? How so? Yes, it had to be clarified which link was an action on the category section. Yes, the user was unsure which link was the action category on the bottom.

Task 2: Featured Movies

Task: Navigate to the Featured Trailer on the Home Screen.
Starting Point: Trailer Sailor Home Screen
Goals and Tasks:

  • Trailer Sailor aims to help consumers obtain information about a movie and view its trailer before deciding to watch the full movie.
  • Users will be able to watch trailers for any movie in the database.
  • Users will find information about upcoming movies.
  User 1 User 2
How sure are you that you completed the task? Very Sure Very Sure
How satisfied are you with the website experience? Very Satisfied Very Satisfied
Was the experience different from what you experienced? How so? No No

Sitemap (Post-Usability Test)

Post-Usability Test Sitemap

Updated Wireframes

Live Prototype