Project Description

5th Avenue

5th Avenue in Manhattan allows people to get from the northern end of the island to the southern end. Additionally, those exiting Central Park on the East Side will walk onto this avenue, where they will encounter traffic, serenity and lots of food.

On Fifth Avenue and 66th Street in Manhattan, taxis and buses make their way downtown.
In a snow covered Central Park, looking down an empty walkway and toward an overpass.
A sign indicating to walk bikes on paths. Also a reminder that Central Park is closed from 1:00am to 6:00am.
A family makes their way across Central Park after a snowfall.
A tree trunk is center stage.
Looking downtown at high-rise buildings.
MTA New York City Bus 5220 on the M66 crosstown bus.
An empty Manhattan intersection, while vehicles wait for the light to change.
A taxi and car wait for the light to change on Fifth Avenue.
MTA New York City Bus 5220 on the M66 crosstown bus.

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