Brooklyn Bridge Parkkevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:13:47+00:00 Project Description Brooklyn Bridge ParkLocated in Brooklyn, near the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, Brooklyn Bridge Park is a massive stretch of land where people frequent to relax and have a good time. Whether it is lying in the grass or playing sports, there is plenty to do here. View More Photographykevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:18:29+00:00 Governor’s Island Governor’s Islandkevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:11:46+00:00 Astoria Park Astoria Parkkevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:21:03+00:00 Irvington Irvingtonkevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:19:37+00:00 High Line High Linekevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:21:48+00:00 Manhattan Bridge Manhattan Bridge