Governor’s Islandkevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:18:29+00:00 Project Description Governor’s IslandOnly accessible by Ferry, Governor’s Island is located in close proximity to the Statue of Liberty. During the Summer season, many love to flock to this location for a day trip as it is a place where one can come and comfortably lie in the grass. View More Photographykevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:18:58+00:00 Grand Central Terminal Grand Central Terminalkevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:22:06+00:00 Niagara Falls Niagara Fallskevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:34:55+00:00 Second Avenue Subway Second Avenue Subwaykevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:11:20+00:00 Asbury Park Asbury Parkkevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:33:14+00:00 Central Park Central Park