Shore Road Promenadekevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:24:20+00:00 Project Description Shore Road PromenadeLocated near the Verrazzano Bridge, the Shore Road Promenade is just part of the area besides the East River that allows people to walk from Bay Ridge to Bensonhurst. People commonly come here to exercise throughout the year. View More Photographykevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:22:48+00:00 Riverbank State Park Riverbank State Parkkevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:24:42+00:00 Summer Streets Summer Streetskevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:25:02+00:00 Tarrytown Tarrytownkevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:21:03+00:00 Irvington Irvingtonkevinsookdeo122022-06-11T23:15:32+00:00 Empire State Building Empire State Building