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The Fake News Network is the world’s most trusted name in news you did not know you needed!

FNN is live in over 52 countries in six continents 24 hours a day, seven days a week with the most up-to-date information about what is going on in the world. What you see on FNN won’t be found on any other network in existence. We go the extra distance to bring you the unique stories, unique investigative reporting and a viewing experience that is like no other network. That is the FNN promise.

As FNN viewers, you get all the news you need to know. You also get to know the lighter side of life, with entertainment and lifestyle news. They will brighten up your day for sure. You also get to know what is going on in the business world, with the economy and how people are living their daily lives. For the inquisitive minds, you also get political news and get to know what is going on with the government. All this – the plain and simple news. Most importantly, FNN reporters are fair and unbiased and you, the viewer, get the complete and full picture. After watching the Fake News Network, your day will become a lot better and you will be more educated as a consumer, human and contributing member to society.

Our on-air personalities are dynamic, well-educated and like no other. Not to mention that they are also extremely attractive and easy to look at. Our personalities will keep your attention and keep you interested in the topics. Other networks frequently use panels to debate about the news. That does not give the viewer the full picture they deserve. Our personalities deliver the news in a blunt manner, no sugarcoating it. No redirecting you to an app on your phone to view the full story. Everything is plain, simple and straight forward. They cut out the nonsense and deliver the information in a time-saving manner that also takes away all the sugar coating. You will not regret watching the Fake News Network.

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